Same Day Dentistry - West Covina One Day crowns

If you’ve ever needed a dental crown, bridge, or other restoration, you know that the treatment process typically takes two to three trips to our dental office. At Covina Smile Dentistry, we’re committed to improving the comfort and convenience of every dentistry service. That’s why we now offer same-day dental restorations in our West Covina dental office, using the innovative Glidewell system. Ready to experience the most exceptional dental care West Covina has to offer? Reach out to the Covina Smile Dentistry team today to schedule an appointment.

What Are Same-Day Restorations?

Traditional dental restorations like porcelain crowns and bridges needed to be designed, crafted, and placed over the course of at least two trips to our dental office. These restorations were crafted by the skilled dental lab technicians who we trust to provide beautiful and precisely engineered dental crowns, bridges, and other restorations. The exceptional results possible with a lab crafted restoration take time. If you want to repair a damaged tooth more quickly, we may be able to deliver a custom dental restoration in just one visit thanks to the Glidewell system.


The same-day dental restoration treatment process is similar to the traditional restoration process, but every step is completed during one appointment. We begin by examining your teeth to determine the best treatment option. Then, we prepare teeth and capture x-rays and digital bite impressions that are sent instantly to the chairside Glidewell unit. We use the design software attached to the system to create your perfect dental restorations. Next, the precise design is sent to a milling unit right here in our dental office where dental grade porcelain is milled into your flawless restoration. Finally, we cement the dental restoration in place, and you go home with a beautifully restored smile.

Sprintray - 3D Printer

We are excited to announce the newest advanced technological addition – The SprintRay 3D printer!  Our patients can now experience the future of dentistry with 3D printing.  This new equipment allows our team to better respond to patient needs, significantly reduces manufacturing times, and opens up new treatment options. With the SprintRay 3D printer, devices such as night guards and mouthguards can be created in one, streamlined dental visit, so our patients are able to achieve their best smile in less time.  


We make the most of our innovative Glidewell technology, using this system to complete a number of daily tasks to improve the dentistry experience for our dental patients, including:

  • Capturing impressions of teeth in order to design traditional and same-day dental restorations.
  • Capturing impressions of the whole bite that can be used to craft customized nightguards for bruxism, sportsguards, and orthodontic aligners and retainers.
  • Designing and planning dental treatment options using chairside computers, so you can follow along and be involved in every step of the process.
  • Milling dental restorations right here in the dental office for your convenience to deliver exceptional smile repair in just one visit.


There are numerous advantages to dental restoration using the Glidewell system, and we’d love the opportunity to tell you about all of them. Some of the many benefits include:

  • Complete treatment in just one trip to the dental office for saved time
  • Repair smiles during dental emergencies quickly and conveniently
  • Keep the as much healthy tooth structure in place as possible
  • Avoid the use of uncomfortable, traditional bite impressions
  • Achieve precise results through our in-office dental restoration milling unit

Are You A  Good Candidate For One-Visit Dentistry?

Anyone who wants to quickly repair a damaged smile may be a good candidate for same-day restorations, using the Glidewell system. However, if you’re looking for a more cosmetic treatment option, dental lab crafted restorations might be a better option. We can help you decide during a dentistry consultation in our West Covina dental office.

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