How To Take Care of Your Dental Veneers

February 12, 2024

Veneers are a popular cosmetic dentistry solution that can transform your smile by concealing imperfections and enhancing the appearance of your teeth. While veneers are durable and designed to withstand everyday wear and tear, proper care is essential to ensure they remain in optimal condition for years to come. Here are seven key steps and practices to take care of your veneers, preserving the beauty of your smile and maximizing the longevity of this cosmetic ...

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4 Reasons Your Child Should Visit A Dentist

December 8, 2023

As you navigate the maze of parenting, ensuring your little ones grow up healthy and happy is undoubtedly at the top of your priority list. While you're busy with playdates, school runs, and bedtime stories, don't forget about the importance of your child's oral health. Let’s discuss four compelling reasons why regular visits to the dentist should be on your parenting radar. After all, a bright, healthy smile is a gift ...

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TMJ Awareness Month: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention

November 8, 2023

November is a special month for us because it's TMJ Awareness Month. Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, commonly known as TMJ, affects millions of people around the world. Yet, it often goes undiagnosed or misunderstood. Our team of experienced and trusted dental professionals aims to help patients of all ages live healthy, comfortable lives. If any of the TMJ symptoms listed below resonate with you, call us today to schedule an initial consultation. Our goal in ...

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The Science of Smiles : Why Grinning is Good for You

October 17, 2023

Smiles are universal. They transcend language barriers, cultural differences, and geographical distances. They are a simple yet powerful form of communication that can convey joy, warmth, and even empathy. But did you know that smiling isn't just a social nicety? It's also incredibly good for your physical and mental well-being. Are you unhappy with the appearance of your smile because of stained teeth, crooked teeth, gapped teeth, or another reason? An experienced and ...

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Why Invisalign Is the Top Choice for Teenagers' Orthodontic Journey

September 1, 2023

The emergence of Invisalign® has revolutionized the way teenagers approach teeth straightening. Gone are the days when clunky metal braces were the only option. Invisalign, a modern and discreet alternative, has swiftly become the first choice for teenagers seeking orthodontic treatment. Its blend of effectiveness, convenience, and aesthetics has captured the hearts of both teens and parents alike. Let's dive into why Invisalign stands as the top choice for teenagers embarking on their journey ...

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Which Cosmetic Dental Procedures Are Often Combined?

August 1, 2023

Modern cosmetic dentistry can completely transform a person’s individual teeth and overall smile. If you’re displeased with your smile because of chips, cracks, discoloration, odd spacing, overlapped teeth, or teeth that appear too large or small, a great cosmetic dentist can deliver the smile you want–the smile you’ll feel proud to share. In addition to strictly cosmetic treatments, natural-looking restorations and prosthetics may be part of your cosmetic treatment plan. Within ...

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Am I Too Old to Have My Wisdom Teeth Extracted?

June 18, 2023

As humans, we are typically equipped with a third set of molars. Dentists frequently refer to these bonus molars as wisdom teeth. While earlier iterations of humans relied on these molars to help them grind their food enough for proper digestion, today’s world of easy-to-process foods makes wisdom teeth largely vestigial.  This means that wisdom teeth may cause more problems than good if left in the mouth past adolescence. Subsequently, wisdom teeth extractions are ...

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Root Canal Awareness Week – Everything You Should Know!

May 3, 2023

Root canal therapy (RCT) is one of the most feared dental procedures, but it shouldn’t be! During Root Canal Awareness Week, we want to share information about RCT to help our patients who need endodontic therapy feel more at ease about their treatment. “Root Canal” Defined First things first– let’s make sure we understand the basic terms. Technically speaking, the root canal is the pulp or inner part of the tooth, not a ...

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Why Replacing Missing Teeth is Always the Best Choice

April 7, 2023

Do you have gaps in your smile because of missing teeth? Are you scheduled to undergo a dental extraction? If so, you are faced with the choice: to replace or not to replace. Our answer: ALWAYS replace missing teeth, with the exception of wisdom teeth. The benefits of replacing the teeth far outweigh the cons; we’ll talk more about this in the blog. Before making your final decision, talk with our experienced and trusted ...

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Pros and Cons of Dental Crowns

March 7, 2023

Trying to decide between a dental crown and veneers, a tooth extraction, or a dental bridge? Each of these options provides numerous benefits as well as some disadvantages. Veneers are more for aesthetic benefits and a dental bridge can replace up to three missing teeth. Dental crowns, on the other hand, can be used to meet a variety of needs. A dental crown is a tooth-shaped cap that fits directly over a natural tooth that ...

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